bjd's or ball jointed dolls are dolls with resin or vinyl pieces strung together so u can pose them! this is my page all about the ones I have and my opinions on this cringe white woman hobby!!!! the dolls u r seeing in the background are called "blythe" dolls (they're not technically BJD's but still) and I would really like to have one but I don't yet. some guy on japanese mercari bought my DREAM one b4 I could! >:(
  rip "Judgement." hopefully I can catch another d.doll blythe that looks like you...
My Dolls
DOMINIC Peak's Woods FOB Punky Beetle

Doll Leaves Maya
I am waiting on some outfits so I can take some better pix but once I got them there will be pix here!!!! :D
My rant Opinion About Recasts
in this hobby, there are "legit" dolls and "recast" dolls, defined by their source. legit dolls come from individuals and companies who sculpt, cast, and sell their dolls directly or thru dealers. recast dolls are bootleg rip-offs made from those original sculpts, usually by Chinese sellers on AliExpress n amazon.
recasts have lived rent free in people's heads ever since the concept of a bjd has existed. they are hotly debated, n people make the same 5 points in every conversation, and now you're about to read them again!!! LOL
so, for the record I am a filthy filthy dirty PRO RECAST Individual. and before you send the SWAT team to my house, here's why!
spend ur money however u want idgaf!!!!!!!! no one else should either. the main drawback 2 recasts is u usually can't take them to meets or whatever but u can still fuckn dress them up and hang out with other recast owners. I do feel like for the current price of a lot of recasts u can get some really nice new or secondhand legit dolls, BUT u often can outright buy a customized doll with whatever faceup and shit you want from ouneifs ( popular recast maker ) for cheap, and that's not usually an option with legit dolls unless you commission someone to do it, which can quickly inflate a ~200 dollar price tag into something more. so I get the appeal of just dropping 2 hundo on a recast made exactly to ur specifications.
my first dolls were recasts because the character I was trying to make looks amazing on the fifth motif venitu sculpt. but guess what, venitu is completely out of production and nearly impossible to find secondhand!!!!!!! and if u do it's usually 2 grand bc it's super popular! n even if I got a venitu I'd have to then get a faceup!!!!!! so at the time it made way more sense for me to buy a 200 dollar recast of venitu than pray for a secondhand one to fall into my lap. would I prefer to own a legit venitu??? OBVIOUSLY. is it ever going to happen? idfk!!!
my shitty Chinese knockoff will suffice until then! not 2 mention the company that casted venitu is actually just fucking poopy dogshit w/ a really bad reputation now. ROFL
I don't even rlly disagree with the art theft point bc what the bootleg manufacturers do is literally art theft, but I think some of these people aren't actually as concerned with art theft as they are wanting to get high off conflict and a sense of control in their weird doll hobby. :P if ur not a literal dollmaker n ur spending so much time thinking about recasts, idk what to tell you.
especially if the doll is completely out of production or the company no longer exists/functions. *cough cough* dollshe no one is losing money in that situation. the only valid argument I hear on this art theft shit is that it gives money to recasters and enables them to make more bootlegs, and yeah that part sucks. I don't like seeing ACTIVE companies with active sculpts lose money, but, as many pro recast ppl say, and I will also say: the person buying a recast doll was not going to buy a legit one anyway. periodt. they're buying recast bc they're fucking broke. the artist doesn't lose money bc they would've never made that money to begin with. I'm sorry it enables weeneefs n whoever to keep stealing, that part does suck.
Final Thoughts
now, I will say that as someone who now owns n buys primarily legit dolls ( with the occasional cheap recast secondhand bc a doll is a doll rofl ) I will never go back 2 purposely buying recasts from bootleg producers. ppl are correct when they say legit dolls have a quality difference that you can feel. posing n dressing my legit dolls is a much more pleasant experience than my recasts. so to recast owners, if u can ever make the switch to buying legit, you should consider it. imo it's worth it to spend a bit more on a legit than a recast. and u do get more access to the hobby-- you're able 2 actually show and share your dolls in spaces you couldn't before, which is obviously a very appealing part of the whole thing. I love my recasts, but it does suck I can't show them anywhere besides a few random groups.
also just saying: this take is just unfortunately me being mean, but I know damn well I am not the only person who thinks dis, so please spare me da "ermmm it's art ur a meanie" monologue, but it's crazy when you see a gorgeous legit sculpt with a really fucked up ugly faceup. n do not lie 2 me or your yourself-- u know u get queazy too when you see an 800 dollar doll that looks like it came out of a pre school craft station. n 100%, I couldn't do a fucking faceup, I'm not good at that kinda stuff n I know it's hard, but yeesh.